Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shallow Waters

I am plunging head first into shallow waters. Let's talk American Idol. I am coming out of my reality TV closet. I am going on record: I like some reality TV. I love American Idol. I watch religiously for the first few weeks. I love the audition process, Hollywood week, and the top twenty-four performances. Then my attention starts to wane. By the finale, I'm just bored. So I started to explore why.

In 1977, the musical "Annie" opened on Broadway in New York City. I was nine years old, and lived in New York City. The opening of "Annie" was big New York City news. They had held open auditions, and people I knew had tried out. It was big, big deal. Not surprisingly, most of our family friends were artists, writers, actors, and actresses, and creative people in general. A huge Broadway production with all the markers of a hit--and employing at least ten children--is bound to make a ripple. It was a news story that I followed avidly.

Then, a week before opening, the producers of "Annie" replaced the original actress cast in the role with Andrea McCardle, who had been in the chorus. Gasp! This was shocking news! So, we witnessed a star being born. Andrea McCardle appeared on TV shows and sang "Tomorrow" like an angel. I don't think anyone has performed it as well since.

I saw that musical on Broadway. I missed Andrea McCardle, but did see Sarah Jessica Parker in the role. I have a similar feeling when I watch American Idol. I guess I like watching a star being born. I think I've mentioned that I take a lot of pleasure in seeing people do things well. When one of those contestants gets out there and shuts it down, I get excited. It makes me happy.

On the other hand, the judging bores me. I hate to admit it, but I miss Paula Abdul's crazy comments. Kara and Randy annoy me. Ellen Degeneres ( I am a fan!) doesn't seem to bring anything to the table. I think I am beginning to see the end of American Idol. The format seems stale this year. Too bad, because watching a star being born is quite an experience.


Patty said...

I agree. It is losing it's luster. I end up DVRing it and then fast forwarding a lot! I may listen to one judge comment and then move on. Even the singing sometimes bores me so I fast forward afer a few bars of some of them. If it really catches me so that I don't want to ff, I know who to route for!

Hubby said...

Waiting for Howard Stern

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