Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Broken Hearts

This lyric by Alanis Morrisette has been stuck in my head for a couple of days:

I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone
I recommend walking around naked in your living room
Swallow it down (what a jagged little pill)
It feels so good (swimming in your stomach)
Wait until the dust settles

Then she sings of living and learning. It's a redemption song, a phoenix rising from the ashes. So much of life, at least mine, is like this hilly road. The lessons that we learn from pain and struggle, the joy we feel when the pain and struggle turns into understanding. If we are paying attention, life has so much to teach us.

I get into trouble in two ways. The first is when I am in pain about something and try to ignore it, stuff it, or find some addiction to cover it up. The other is when I fail to see the signs that the pain is coming and coming fast. I try not to ignore my intuition, but there have been times when the red flags were waving and jumping and screaming at me and I simply waved back and turned around and continued on my merry way. I can't say which way is better: taking the risk, even knowing it's not going to turn out well, or listening first and dodging the bullet.

I have made some huge mistakes in my life. I don't think many of us get to these forty years who haven't made some whoppers. My judgment of other people these days is gentler. I know that we are all doing what we can to get through this life, living it the best we know how. I don't know how my life experiences stack up against others, and it doesn't matter. I've had heartache, heartbreak, loss; I've been victimized and abused. I've also broken hearts, and been unkind, and lied. I have become a full-grown woman and I am no longer a victim or a survivor. I'm just a human, marching along, day by day, getting through life and trying to cause as little damage as possible.

I am more than the things that have happened to me. Each time I face a struggle now, I live and I learn. I have learned a lot. When pain comes, I know it won't kill me. I know eventually it lessens and there is opportunity for growth and understanding. A friend of mine shared this quote with me, "At the end of every happy story is a sad ending." When I first read that I thought the words were so depressing. But it stayed in my mind, and I began to see that it's true. Even the most charmed life will come to an end. We're all heading there whether we like it or not. This is just the way of life; loss is inevitable. I'm not saying I like it, I'm just saying it's no use hemming and hawing over it, there's not a damn thing any of us can change about that.

I will remain open to the joy and wonder of the good times. I will accept the bad times. I will try to do both of these with as much integrity and honesty as I can. That's what I've learned so far. Doesn't it seem so simple? You have no idea how much shit I went through to learn that lesson!
2/12/10 by S.D.S



Patty said...

It's amazing how long it takes us all to figure that out! Even more amazing, or sad, is that some never do. They struggle through life, always looking to fight every situation that is not the most pleasant or scrambling to cling in some unhealthy way to the happy moments instead of just letting it all happen. We have to move through what life brings us and let the experiences happen. We may not be the experiences, but they help create who we are. The good and the bad. Some are easier than others to move through, but that is all a part of life. We signed up for it, now it's time to live it - with a smile whenever possible. :-)

Unknown said...

In the words of Robbie Robertson:

Out of nine lives, I spent seven
Now, how in the world do you get to Heaven
Oh, you don't know the shape I'm in


Seems like the harder I tried, the harder I got hit. Life hit me with a stick. ...hit me with a 2x4. ...hit me with a 4x4. One hit after another, but I kept trudging forward - on the path I was going to create for myself.

I think it was the 4x4 that finally knocked some sense into me. The 4x4 didn't hit me; I hit the 4x4. There are paths; there are choices. We can work with the grain or against it. We can accept, or we can wallow.

Which do we choose, every day, all day?

S.D.S said...

Nice comments!