Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boys, Boys, Boys

I live with my three sons and my husband. We have two dogs, both males. It's good to be queen. However, there are a few things about living with all this male energy that confuse me.

Things that I do not understand about men:

The absolute delight they take in watching disgusting things. Example, a You Tube video showing a cyst being popped. They all watched it, yelled ewwww, and then watched it again. I left the room.

The way that they all like to hit each other, hard, and then laugh.

They like to jump off of the roof onto the trampoline. They just really like jumping off of things, the higher the better.

There is always a puddle of pee somewhere in the vicinity of the toilet, but not quite all the way in the toilet. Flushing seems to be optional.

The fascination with weapons, and the way they can make a weapon out of anything. Example, a paperweight duct taped to the end of stick.

Their total fascination with anything that blows up.

They like The Three Stooges.

The absolute hero worship of Myth Busters.

Not a single one of them will watch Glee, American Idol or Project Runway with me.

Thank goodness one of these male kids is a father. I just don't get it.


Unknown said...

If it's yellow, leave it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.

S.D.S said...

Yeah, no. Flushing is mandatory.

S.D.S said...

But I like the rhyme. They don't teach that one to girls.

Hubby said...

Things that I don’t understand about women;

Why would they not want to go to a cage fight with their husbands?

Don’t they know that some movies must be watched every time they are on TV regardless of how many times they have been seen before?

Why can’t they finish a meal? This one I am grateful for though. I would still be hungry if I only ate my food without finishing hers.

Unknown said...

Nice ones, Hubby!

Especially not finishing dessert. Mmm...

How about the double standard: Commenting about their driving is forbidden, yet they are allowed to "constructively criticize" ours.